вторник, 27 октября 2015 г.

Get Ready for Your Exam! 
You can do these grammar tasks at home and bring or send it for checking OR You can come to school on Wednesday (October, 28, 2015) at 10.00.

1. Fill in the gaps with the correct past tenses forms of the verb.
Eric and Elsa are brother and sister. They (1 )_____ (grow) up together in the city that used to be known as West Berlin, in the former West Germany.
Eric (2 )_____ (move) to the United States decades ago, before the eastern and western parts of both Berlin and Germany were reunited in 1990.
Elisa and her family ( 3 ) ______(visit) Eric and his family last year.
Elsa’s family (4 )_____ (fly) from Berlin to Detroit for the visit. Although the children (5 )____(never, meet) before, except through e-mail, the families (6) _____ (have) a great time together.
Every day for a week, the adults and the children (7) ______ (play), talking, and eating together. One day, they even (8)______(cook) some German recipes that (9)____ (be) in the family for generations. For years, Elsa (10) _______ (save) them and treasuring them in a box their mother gave her.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions: In, at, on, to, after, of, from.
1. George Washington was born __ Virginia___ 1732.
2. Washington played an important role ___ the founding___ the United States.
3. He became the first President ___ the United States.
4. He was President__ 1789___1797.
5. George Washington died ___ the age 67, ___the 14th ___ December, 1799.
6. The capital __the United States and one federal state are named ___George Washington.

3. Choose the correct item (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences.
New York city has (0) B into the second largest city in
North America. It is now a major business, cultural and shopping centre (1)______ millions of visitors each year.
Most tourists stay in the (2)_____ of the city, in Manhattan. It is easy to see the sights of Manhattan on foot or you can take a tourbus. There are cycle ( 3 ) ______in the city if you want to hire a bicycle but you need to be brave! The subway is the quickest means
of public transport but you will want to avoid the (4) _____ hour. And, of course, there are the famous yellow taxis. There are few taxi (5 )____ - just wave your arm at a taxi with its light on. You will certainly want to visit Central Park, a huge open (6) _____ which is ideal for relaxing on a hot summer day.
0  A become      B grown        C increased   D extended
1  A appealing   B advancing C arriving      D attracting
2  A heart          B interior       C focus         D eye
3  A roads         B streets        C lanes         D ways
4  A busy          B rush            C crowded    D hurry
5  A ranks         B stalls          C kiosks       D stations
6  A surface      B region         C space       D estate

4. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions: to; at; for; on; off; by; from
If you want to go ___ bus, you have to go ____the bus stop.You look___ the time table. Then you wait___ your bus.
When the bus arrives, you g e t___ the bus.
You buy a ticket___ the driver or show your ticket___ the driver.
When you arrive ___ your destination, you get____the bus.
5. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs (present simple, present perfect, or passive voice).
The Fellowship of the Ring (1)___ (be) the first book of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which (2) _______ (set) in a fictive world, Middle Earth. It (3) ____
(tell) the story of Frodo, a hobbit, and a magic ring.
As the story (4)____ (begin), Frodo (5) _____ (give) a magic ring. The wizard Gandalf then (6) ____ (tell) him of the Rings of Power and of Sauron, the Dark Lord, who (7) _____ (make) the Master Ring to rule all other Rings. Gandalf (8 )____ (advise) Frodo to leave home and keep the ring out of Sauron’s hands who already (9) _____ (send) his Black Riders in search for it. Frodo’s ring (10)_____ (give) Sauron the power to enslave Middle Earth.

6. Complete the sentences with need, needn’t, must, or mustn't
1. We have enough chairs in here; you ______ bring in any more.
2. You_____ eat those mushrooms; they are poisonous.
3. You____ attend the forum, but he ____ as he is one of the speakers.
4. You ____ see that film. You will find it very educational.
5. You____ buy the tickets as I have a few complimentary passes.
6. The teacher said that we ____ take any books into the examination hall. It’s forbidden.
7. You ____ study hard. You____ neglect your studies.
8. They_____ have paid for the damage. The fault was not entirely theirs.

7. Underline the correct word(s).
 Dear Victoria,
  I’m writing to tell you about the play I’m going to be in. It’s called ‘Only for You’, and I’ve got the leading role. I have a lot of lines and I (1) must / might learn them all
before opening night.
  We’re performing the play for the first time on Friday night. We’ve been told that a TV company (2) must / may come to film it, so I (3) could / must  be on television. I (4) needn’t / might even become famous!
 We (5) might / have to rehearse the play every night until Friday, because everything (6) must / shall be perfect for the performance. We (7) couldn’t I mustn't make any mistakes. (8) Can / Must you come to see the play, or will you be at work? I hope you’ll be able to come. If not, I’ll write and tell you how it went.
  I (9) could / must go and learn my lines now. See you soon.
 Yours, Charles.

8. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the where necessary.
1. Oleh is ___ football coach. He teaches football to
___ students of my school. He is ___ extremely good coach.
2. Jake is ___ very strange boy. He has ___ queer habit of sleeping during ____ day and remaining awake at night.
3. While____ family was away, some burglars broke into their house.
4. As I was walking along ___ sandy beach, I spotted ___ bottle floating in water. I picked up ___ bottle and saw that there was___ note in it.
5. Ivan has always been interested in ___ cooking. He plans to be ___ chef one day and open up his own restaurant.
6. “If you like watching______ comedies, you must see this film”.

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